Tiffiany Howard, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science
Dr. Tiffiany Howard is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). She earned her joint doctorate in political science and public policy from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in 2006 and joined the UNLV faculty in 2008. Her fields of specialization include international security, immigration and refugee policies, and comparative analyses of race, gender and ethnicity. Lastly, through her research and fellowship opportunities, Dr. Howard has had the privilege of working at and with the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the House Committee on Homeland Security, and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
She is the recipient of several prestigious grant awards and research fellowships, including the Council on Foreign Relations-International Affairs Fellowship (2019-2020); the Geneva Center for Security Policy-Associate Fellowship (2020); the Asser Institute-Visiting Fellowship (2020); the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation-Senior Research Fellowship (2019); the Faculty Opportunity Award-Center of Excellence Grant (2016); the Department of Education-UISFL Program-Business Spanish Experience Grant (2016); the Black Mountain Institute-Faculty Fellowship (2015); the Ford Foundation-Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship (2013-2014, In Residence at UCLA); the APSA Centennial Center Visiting Scholar Fellowship position; and the Department of Defense-DARPA Research Fellow (2008).
Dr. Howard is also the recipient of the Marjorie Barrick Scholar Award (2013); the Faculty Diversity Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship (2011); the UNLV-COLA PhD Student Summer Faculty Research Award (2015); and the UNLV-CSUN Teaching Excellence and Service Award (2015).
She is the author of The Tragedy of Failure (Praeger Security International/ABC-CLIO, 2010), and Failed States and the Origins of Violence (Routledge, 2014); the co-author of Latinos in Nevada (University of Nevada Press, 2021), and Sex, Power and Politics: Exploring Gender Roles, Identities and Influence throughout History (Palgrave: 2016); and series co-editor of Migration, Demography and Environmental Change: Global Challenges (University of Nevada Press). Other notable peer reviewed publications appear in Civil Wars, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, the Journal of Political Science Education, National Political Science Review, the Journal for Deradicalization, and Immigrants and Minorities.
- John Tuman, Tiffiany Howard, David Damore and Nerses Kopalyan. Latinos in Nevada. University of Nevada Press: March 2021.
- Tiffiany Howard and Nerses Kopalyan. Sex, Power and Politics: Exploring Gender Roles, Identities and Influence throughout History. Palgrave: March 2016.
- Tiffiany Howard. Failed States and the Origins of Violence: A Comparative Analysis of State Failure as a Root Cause of Terrorism and Political Violence. Ashgate: London, UK, June 2014
- Tiffiany Howard. The Tragedy of Failure: Evaluating State Failure and its Impact on the Spread of Refugees, Terrorism and War. Praeger/ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, CA, April 2010.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
- Howard, Tiffiany, Brach Poston, April Lopez. “Terrorist Recruitment in the Virtual Era: Analyzing the Neurocognitive Process of Online Radicalization.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 2022.
- Tiffiany Howard, Brach Poston, Stephen “The Neurocognitive Process of Digital Radicalization: A Theoretical Model and Analytical Framework.” Journal for Deradicalization, Summer 2019, No.19, June 2019.
- Tiffiany Howard, Mary-Ann Winkelmes, and Marya Shegog. “Transparency Teaching in the Virtual Classroom: Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Transparency Teaching Methods with Online Learning.” Journal of Political Science Education, January 2019
- Tiffiany Howard. “Afro-Latinos and the Black-Hispanic Identity: Evaluating the Potential for Group Conflict and Cohesion”. In Caribbeanization of Black Politics, 19:1, edited by Sharon D. Austin. The National Political Science Review (Special Issue), January 2019.
- Tiffiany Howard and Roman Lewis. “Immigration and Ethnic Diversity in Nevada.” In The Social Health of Nevada: Leading Indicators and Quality of Life in the Silver State, edited by Dmitri N. Shalin. Las Vegas, NV: UNLV Center for Democratic Culture, December 2017.
- Tiffiany Howard and Brendan Morris. “Pathways to State Failure: Greed or Grievance?” International Journal of Terrorism and Political Hot Spots, 9:1, August 2014
- Tiffiany Howard. “Poor Scapegoats: Moving Beyond Radical Islam, Modernization, and Authoritarian Rule as the Root Causes of Terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa” Air and Space Power Journal– Africa and Francophone, 27:3, May-July 2013.
- Tiffiany Howard. “The Perceptions of Self and Others: Examining the Effect Identity Adoption has on Immigrant Attitudes toward Affirmative Action Policies in the United States.” Immigrants and Minorities, 29:1, February 2011.
- Tiffiany Howard. “Failed States and the Spread of Terrorism in sub-Saharan Africa.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism,33:10, November 2010.
- Tiffiany Howard. “Revisiting State Failure: Developing a Causal Model of State Failure Based Upon Theoretical Insight.” Civil Wars, 10:2, June 2008.
Book Chapters:
- Tiffiany Howard. “Afro-Latinos in the United States.” People of Color in the United States: Contemporary Issues in Education, Work, Communities, Health, and Immigration. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA. March 2017.
- Tiffiany Howard. (2014). ”Beyond the Tragedy of Failure: Debating the Role of State Failure in the Middle East and North Africa as a Root Cause of Political Violence in the Region,” In Stivachtis, Yannis A. and Christopher Price (Eds.) Issues in International Politics, Economy, and Governance. Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece.
- Victor Asal and Tiffiany Howard. (2011). “Methodological Development in Nationalism, Ethnicity and Migration,” In Robert A. Denemark, and Andrea K. Gerlak (Eds.) International Studies Compendia. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, (Reprint #410).
- Victor Asal and Tiffiany Howard. “Methodological Development in Nationalism, Ethnicity and Migration,” In Robert A. Denemark, and Andrea K. Gerlak (Eds.) International Studies Compendia. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, March.
- Victor Asal and Tiffiany Howard. (2010).”Muslim-West Relations: Past Problems and Current Challenges.”Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Santa Barbara, CA, Sept.
Refereed Policy Research and Reports:
- Tiffiany Howard, Naomi Smith, and Uju Nwaigwe. (2020). Banks and the Black Community: What Can Major Commercial and Retail Banking Institutions Do to Better Support Black Entrepreneurs and Businesses in the U.S.? Center for Policy Analysis and Research.
- Tiffiany Howard, Marya Shegog, Dea’Jiane McNair, and Mikayle Lowery. (2019). “Black Health and Black Wealth: Understanding the Intricate Linkages between Income, Health, and Wealth for African Americans.” Center for Policy Analysis and Research.
- Tiffiany Howard. (2019). “The State of Black Entrepreneurship in America: Evaluating the Relationship between Immigration and Minority Business Ownership.” Center for Policy Analysis and Research.
- Tiffiany Howard. (2019). “Crowdfunding and Cryptocurrency: Alternative Sources of Business Capital for Black Entrepreneurs.” Center for Policy Analysis and Research.
Other Publications:
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). “Immigration as a Social Determinant of Health: Proceedings of a Workshop”. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
- Tiffiany Howard. “Bombshells with Black Faces: State Failure and Sexual Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa”. (March 5, 2012).
- Tiffiany Howard. “Weak States, Terrorism and Sexual Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa”. (October 5, 2011). Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
- Tiffiany Howard. “Beyond the Tragedy of Failure: Exploring the Utility of Existing Models of State Failure in an Effort to Develop a More Precise Typology and More Accurate Predictions of State Collapse”. 9th Annual Conference on Politics and International Affairs, Athens, Greece. (June, 2011). Book of Abstracts. Edited by Gregory T. Papanikos.
- Is Anxiety Fueling Your Decision Making In The 2016 Election? KNPR, Airdate: January 26, 2016
- Her Profile in Courage. PBS Documentary Series: Women, War and Peace. Airdate: October 12, 2011.